Biodata Gustav Mahler

Written By admin on Tuesday, December 27, 2011 | 12:57 AM

Biodata Gustav Mahler - Gustav Mahler (7 Juli 1860 - 18 Mei 1911) merupakan seorang komposer berkebangsaan Austria. Dia menjadi terkenal saat memimpin sebagai konduktor di tempat gedung opera. Dia berkarir sebagai konduktor sejak tahun 1881. Pada tahun 1901 dia pindah ke villa baru di Danau Majernigg, Carinthia. Dia meninggal dunia pada tahun 1911.


* Symphony No. 1 in D major (?1884–1888; rev. 1893–1896; 2nd rev. 1906).
* Symphony No. 2 in C minor (1888–1894; rev. 1903)
* Symphony No. 3 in D minor (1893–1896; rev. 1906)
* Symphony No. 4 in G major (1892, 1899–1900; rev. 1901–1910)
* Symphony No. 5 in C-sharp minor/D major (1901–1902; scoring repeatedly rev.)
* Symphony No. 6 in A minor (1903–1904; rev. 1906; scoring repeatedly rev.)
* Symphony No. 7 in E minor (1904–1905; scoring repeatedly rev.)
* Symphony No. 8 in E-flat major (1906–1907)
* Das Lied von der Erde (subtitled A Symphony for One Tenor and One Alto (or Baritone) Voice and Orchestra, After Hans Bethge's "The Chinese Flute") (1908–1909)
* Symphony No. 9 in D major (1908–1909)
* Symphony No. 10 (1910–1911) (unfinished; a continuous "beginning-to-end" draft of 1,945 bars exists, but much of it is not fully elaborated and most of it not orchestrated.)
o Various completions by:
+ Adagio (first movement) and "Purgatorio" (third movement) prepared for performance by Ernst Krenek with contributions from Franz Schalk, Alban Berg and Alexander Zemlinsky (1924)
+ Joseph Wheeler (1948–1965)
+ Deryck Cooke, assisted by Berthold Goldschmidt, Colin Matthews and David Matthews (1960, 1964, 1976, 1989)
+ Clinton Carpenter (1966)
+ Remo Mazzetti, Jr. (1989)
+ Rudolf Barshai (2000)
+ The duo of Nicola Samale dan Giuseppe Mazzucca (2002)

Karya vokal

* Das klagende Lied, cantata (1880; rev. 1893, 1898)
* Drei Lieder, three songs for tenor and piano (1880)
* Lieder und Gesänge, fourteen songs with piano accompaniment (1880–1890)
* Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen, for voice with piano or orchestral accompaniment (1883–1885)

(literally Songs of a Travelling Journeyman, usually translated as Songs of a Wayfarer.)

* Lieder aus "Des Knaben Wunderhorn" (The Youth's Magic Horn), for voice with piano or orchestral accompaniment (1888–1896; two others 1899 and 1901)
* Rückert Lieder, for voice with piano or orchestral accompaniment (1901–1902)
* Kindertotenlieder (Songs on the Death of Children), for voice and orchestra (1901–1904)
* Das Lied von der Erde (The Song of the Earth) for alto (or baritone) and tenor soloists and orchestra (1908–1909)

Karya lain

* Piano Quartet in A minor (1876)


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